Creative activities for children at KidsCare


Our nurserys in Luxembourg offer various activities for children depending on the teaching methods. At the house of KidsCare, we favor activities resulting from pedagogies Montessori et Pikler. Among these activities, your children will be able to benefit from creative ideas and several ideas for manual activities.

Discover creative activities inspired by the method Montessori

The concept of the method Montessori lies partly around art and sensory discovery. Artistic awakening not only allows children to develop their imagination, but also to socialize and develop their relationship with others. Moreover, in the pedagogy montessoriFinally, art is suggested rather than imposed. Painting is freely accessible, drawing and origami (paper folding) as well, among other possibilities.

Cooking workshops

All the children in our nurserys will be able to take advantage of several cooking workshops organized throughout the year. A wonderful way to introduce the little ones to the culinary arts! The child will follow our advice to make his first recipes with the kitchen equipment he will discover. 

The manufacture of objects

In order to introduce children to the art of construction and manual activities, your little ones will be able to create many objects each year. Gift ideas for Christmas, Mother's Day or Father's Day are waiting for you. Making colorful photo frames, games, flowers, boxes, books, cards or other decorations will delight your little ones who will have a blast while letting their imaginations run wild. At home, do not hesitate to help your toddlers and make with salt dough, make with cardboard, for example!

Why highlight art in our nurseries? 

Our educational project is part of time and space. It follows the seasons, the environment, the art and the culture. We consider that art is beneficial to children of all ages since it participates in the good psychomotor development of the child. We also believe that art should be free and the different workshops connected to the daily world of children's lives. The arts are colors and stimulation, they allow the child to express themselves, socialize and let their creativity flow freely. These activities help the youngest to forge their personality and their tastes.