Artistic awakening for children at KidsCare

Creche KidsCare Livange

Within nurseries KidsCare, we put forward two distinct teaching methods: Montessori et Pikler. These pedagogies include the discovery of art and free artistic practice in the reception of young children. This is why we set up artistic activities and more specifically, artistic awakening for children. Family, parents, children, let's discover this action together!

Our spaces for cultural and artistic awakening

Our facilities KidsCare Luxembourg provide several spaces dedicated to the artistic awakening of children. Artistic awakening workshops are organized there, as well as the provision of free access equipment for the little ones. You will find several themed rooms, including the creative games room, for example. Painting and dance are particularly highlighted! 

In addition, we are also planning a space dedicated specifically to musical awakening in your city's nursery. Baby will discover his relationship to rhythm, instruments and music. 

The Bibliobus: a unique little extra

The Bibliobus offers an itinerant concept of book lending with the objectives of opening up to the cultural world, which has existed for several years now. This bus serves our nurserys and encourages children to access culture. It is made up of 4 different Bibliobuses: 

  • Enzo: his photo studio immortalizes the most beautiful smiles of children. He is in charge of activities around photography and video that allow them to express themselves in images. 
  • Elliot: This bus is a traveling cinema. The children will discover the 7th art through a report on the castles of Luxembourg or cultural awareness programs, for example.
  • Pedro: Pedro is a library, Ali Baba's cave for the little ones who love fairy tales, comics and 3D books. 
  • Elise: Elise is the queen of music. This bus contains all the instruments you need to brighten the days of the whole neighborhood. Little music lovers will appreciate!

The Bibliobus + outings to the media library are a must in terms of artistic awakening outside the nursery. For the cultural and artistic awakening, it is a successful mission at KidsCare !